- Real-time OS for TriCore and AURIX


PXROSPXROS-HR is an object oriented real-time operating-system (RTOS) with a very modern micro-kernel and outstanding features, especially suited for deployment on advanced multi-core MCUs. The latest version of PXROS-HR improves the concepts of encapsulation and robustness by using fine granular hardware protection mechanisms (MPU), available in modern micro-controllers like the AURIX.

The PXROS-HR operating-system for TriCore has been officially safety approved. HighTec received the certificate confirming the fitness of PXROS-HR for safety-related applications up to SIL 3 (IEC61508) and ASIL D (ISO 26262), valid from February 2019 until February 2024.

PXROS-HR is developed with the HighTec C/C++ compiler for TriCore/AURIX and best suited for industrial applications, as well as automotive applications where safety is key. The RTOS integrates with Infineon's MCAL and SafeTlib software frameworks, while being non-AUTOSAR based and highly optimized for the TriCore architecture, providing multi-core support for the AURIX family.viding multi-core support for the AURIX family.

“People who are really serious about software should make their own hardware.”

- Alan Kay